Flash Platform 重大更新 -- Flash Player 11.4 and AIR 3.4
近日Flash Platform提出重大更新 -- Flash Player 11.4 and AIR 3.4,更新重點節錄如下:
Flash Player 11.4
- webcam support for StageVideo
- broader Stage3D support
- Starling framework has been updated to be constrained mode ready (?)
AIR 3.4
- iOS push notifications
- iOS 5.1 SDK support
- compressed texture with alpha for stage3D (?)
- Webcam support for StageVideo
- Apache Flex 4.8
- support for Flash Player 11.4
- AIR 3.4
- and many improvements to iOS app development workflows including USB debugging, iOS simulator support, and direct on-device deployment.
- ToolKit CreateJS 1.1
- support for Flash Player 11.4 and AIR 3.4
- improved iOS app development workflows including iOS simulator support, and direct on-device deployment