ARToolkit官方文件閱讀筆記[1]: 第一個範例
Your First ARToolKit Example
- In each platform you have generally two choices: click on the program from your OS explorer or starting from the command line: the last choice is better since it give you the error and standard output stream (and ARToolKit used it a lot).
- In this video dialog you can change the output size of the video or the video format acquired from the camera. You need to notice that better the format is similar to ARToolKit tracking format, faster is the acquisition (RGB more efficient). In some camera driver you can also change the frame rate. By default this dialog is associate to your first video input so you can have some problems (see the FAQ).
- If you hit the "t" key on the keyboard you will be prompted to enter a new threshold value. This should be a value between 0 and 255; the default is 100. Hitting the "d" key will show the thresholded video image below the main video window. Possible tracking patterns found in the input image are marked by a red square in the thresholded image. This will help you check the effect of lighting and threshold values on the video input. Figure 6 shows simple.exe with the threshold image on.