
一搜尋就找到一篇Flash Evanglist寫的不錯的教學Tutorial: The Flash and Flex marriage,對我很有幫助。

  • When you’ve done that, go ahead and double click on the MyVideoPlayer movieclip. Create a new layer and draw a rectangle with the same size as your FLVPlayback component. Convert this in to a movieclip and specify it’s instance name to “boundingBox”. Once we use our component in Flex, it will not be visible. Flex will use this “boundingBox” movieclip to determine how big your component actually is
  • If you’ve done that, we also need to add the player skin we’re using. This goes in to the src folder. So go ahead and drag “SkinOverAllNoFullNoCaption.swf” to the src folder  (play的skin的access路徑是跟著主swf的) of your Flex project.
Video tutorial: Create Flex container components with Flash CS4



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