Flash Platform 重大更新 -- Flash Player 11.4 and AIR 3.4
近日Flash Platform提出重大更新 -- Flash Player 11.4 and AIR 3.4,更新重點節錄如下: Flash Player 11.4 webcam support for StageVideo broader Stage3D support Starling framework has been updated to be constrained mode ready (?) AIR 3.4 iOS push notifications iOS 5.1 SDK support compressed texture with alpha for stage3D (?) Webcam support for StageVideo Flash Builder 4.7 beta Apache Flex 4.8 support for Flash Player 11.4 AIR 3.4 and many improvements to iOS app development workflows including USB debugging, iOS simulator support, and direct on-device deployment. Flash Professional (early September) ToolKit CreateJS 1.1 support for Flash Player 11.4 and AIR 3.4 improved iOS app development workflows including iOS simulator support, and direct on-device deployment ::References:: 完整更新列表: Flash Player and Adobe AIR feature list 新聞來源: Enabling the web and app development with new bleeding edge technology – Flash Player 11.4 and AIR 3.4 ...